Monday 1 February 2016

10 Tips on Improving Indoor Air Quality

10 Tips on Improving Indoor Air Quality

You work hard to stay healthy, eating the right foods and getting lots of exercise. The air you breathe also affects your health but it’s harder to make sure it’s clean because you can’t see it or feel it. And you don’t want to wait until you get sick or one of your children is diagnosed with asthma. That’s why the government focus on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is so important, and why this article offers you a collection of tips on improving indoor air quality in your home.
This is a new problem as we seal gaps to tighten up the envelope wrapping our homes to conserve energy. These gaps used to allow unhealthy indoor air to be exchanged with fresh air from outside. Please don’t look for an easy solution, and don’t be fooled by the advertising on air filter packages that promise healthy living. It simply isn’t true. (Read: How the Right Home Air Filter Can Save You)

plants are often included with tips on improving indoor air quality, but they're not very effective at this unless you have a huge number of plantsTips on Improving Indoor Air Quality

There’s a lot of misinformation swirling around, and packaging that claims things are green or healthy, when there’s no proof to substantiate the claims.
Houseplants are a great example of this. They’re lovely for decoration and there are also lots of articles telling us indoor house plants help improve air quality. The truth is while laboratory tests showed excellent results removing VOC in the 1980s, subsequent testing in residential settings hasn’t supported these findings. (Read: How Well Do House Plants Perform as Indoor Air Cleaners?)
So here are tips on improving indoor air quality in your home, focusing on what you bring into your home, along with things you do at home.

candles are one of the most surprising tips on improving indoor air qualityStop Buying Productes that Bring Pollutants into Your Home

You probably don’t realize how many different ways you introduce unhealthy pollutants into your home. So hopefully once you know, you’ll do a better job of reducing or eliminating things that have a negative affect on the air you and your family breathe at home.
  • Don’t smoke inside your home.
  • Don’t use candles, or at least avoid those made with paraffin that releases chemicals. Beeswax and soy candles are good alternatives, as long as they aren’t scented with essential oils versus synthetic fragrances. You should also trim wicks to 1/4″ to reduce the amount of soot given off.
  • Buy products that don’t have unhealthy chemicals like VOCs. Everyone’s heard of low/no VOC paints but what about these products? For product specific pollutants, visit the National Institute of Health’s Household Product Database.
    • Aerosol spray products for paints, cosmetics and pesticides.
    • Upholstered furniture and carpeting, plywood and pressed wood products if they contain formaldehyde.
    • Appliances with refrigerant used in air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators and dehumidifiers. Freon used in older appliances is being phased out due to ozone.
    • Cleaning products like air fresheners, bleach, toilet bowl cleaners, citrus or pine oil cleaners, furniture polishes and more.
    • Personal care products including nail polish and remover, colognes, perfumes, rubbing alcohol and hair spray.
    • Dry cleaned clothes, spot removers and cleaners used for fabric/leather.
    • Home office and hobby products like inks, toners, correction fluid, glues and other adhesives, etc.
    • Home maintenance products including caulk, grout, insulation, paint and stain, adhesive removers, contact and model cement, etc.
    • Pet care products like litter stain/odor removers, flea and tick control products, etc.
    • Lawn care products and pesticides like lawn fertilizer, pool products, herbicides, etc.
    • Ozone generators which are dangerous for children, the elderly and people with breathing problems. The EPA and American Lung Association advise against these “air purifiers”.

Proactive Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality

  • Don’t allow appliances to exhaust air and/or moisture inside your home. This means no ductless range hoods and bathroom/dryer vents should always be vented outside. Seriously, this was a common problem we found in my handyman business that had to be corrected.
  • Make sure all fixtures that burn fuel are vented to the outside, away from windows and HVAC intake vents. These include furnaces, fireplaces, range tops, exhaust fans and similar appliances.
  • Work with chemicals outside, and not in your garage. You should strip paint, solder and glue, tune up your lawn mower or snow blower outside.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation for your house, changing filters on your HVAC equipment and using additional air cleaners as needed. Air cleaners should be UL 867 certified and meet California’s ozone release requirements. Weather permitting, open doors and windows and use ceiling fans except when there are high levels of allergens outdoors.
  • Keep your home dry, using dehumidifiers if necessary. Take immediate action to remove water and wet materials, like drywall and insulation in a flooded basement, to prevent the growth of mold.
  • Take steps to keep your home clean, leaving shoes at the door, using a high efficiency (HEPA) vacuum cleaner and washing bedding to reduce exposure to allergens and dust mites.
Photo credit for candle photo: Kensal Walk – Living Room via photopin(license)

Saturday 30 January 2016

Protecting your basement from winter water damage

Protecting your basement from winter water damage

Friday 29 January 2016

4 questions to ask yourself before starting a renovation

(NC) One of the worst mistakes a homeowner can make when tackling a major renovation is to jump in sledgehammer first without a plan. Whether you're an aspiring homeowner looking to enter the housing market with a “fixer upper,” or coming into the New Year looking to renovate and add function or value to your space, a renovation can be a good solution, but it can also be mess.
Dust and hard work aside, a renovation has obvious appeal as it generally brings a higher resale price. Many don't realize that planning for a renovation sometimes requires even more work than the execution itself, but if you're up for it, the end result is a bigger and better home.                                    
So, here's what you need to ask yourself before any renovation:
1. What is your budget?
When planning for a renovation, always be conservative. If your budget is $100,000, plan to spend $80,000. Renovations are almost always guaranteed to go over budget, as unforeseen issues pop up. Having a contingency plan from the start will get you through when you check in to see if the work is on track.
2. What is your timeline?
Knowing this in advance as well as the scope of work being done will help you determine whether you stay in your home during a renovation or go elsewhere. Living through a major renovation is never easy, but if you decide to do it, keep in mind the added cleaning at the end of the day to make the space livable again. It's always a good idea to request a payment schedule that is tied to your timeline and project milestones.
3. Have you done the required research?
In the case of renovations, there is no such thing as over-asking or over researching. It's good to have a rough idea of what materials cost in advance, as well as what is needed for a particular job. Also, don't be afraid to do your homework when it comes to picking the right contractor. Get several quotes and references and check out any sites in progress to get an idea of how they work.
4. What is my resale goal?
Ask yourself how much you're looking to increase your home's value. This will help determine how much you should be investing in order to hit the target. For owners renovating with resale in mind, investing in spaces like the kitchen, bathroom or new flooring, although more costly than minor cosmetic changes, can pay off big time when it comes time to sell. If you're not sure of how long you'll be staying, it is always safe to renovate for the future. Investing in classic, quality finishes now will keep you happy in your space and increase its value in the long run.If you're planning a renovation, take your time and plan ahead to do it right. More renovation help is available at the Destination Renovation booth at the upcoming 2016 GTA Home + Reno Show, February 12-15 at the International Centre in Mississauga.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Don’t overpay for heat this winter

Don’t overpay for heat this winter

Don’t make these mistakes when heating your home

Don’t make these mistakes when heating your home

Follow this safety guide if you’re putting up holiday lights

Follow this safety guide if you’re putting up holiday lights

Published Jessica Vitullo - December 7, 2015

December is finally here! If you’re planning on decorating your home with holiday lights to celebrate the season, you’re likely not the only one on your street! But putting up lights can be dangerous. Consider working with a licensed electrician and be sure to follow our guide on how to stay safe.

Choose the right holiday lights

Indoor and outdoor lights aren’t the same. Some lights are rated for indoor use, some for outdoor. When you’re at your local home hardware store, read the package instructions to see which lights you’re buying.
It’s also important to pay attention to the recommended wattage. Don’t exceed the recommendation, or your holiday lights might blow out before Santa arrives!

Avoid damage and overloaded circuits

If you buy a bundle of string lights and notice the cord, plugs or ornaments are damaged, do NOT use them. Instead, simply replace them. Damaged electrical products can be hazardous to your home (and to you during the installation process).
You also want to make sure that you’re not plugging in too many lights into the same outlet. An overloaded circuit can overheat and start a fire. The only fire that should be happening in your home is a controlled one within the fireplace!
The same goes for using extension cords. Plugging in too many plugs into an extension cord can lead to overheating.
You do NOT want to be this guy!
You do NOT want to be this guy!

Install holiday decor wisely

It’s easy to get carried away with holiday lights. After all, don’t you want your home to look like the homes in this video?
To make your home look like any of these, you have to be extra careful!
  • No more than 3 light strings should be connected together. Be sure to read instructions on your lighting package to be sure.
  • The bulbs themselves should NOT touch supply cords or wires.
  • Secure the lights properly using power clips.

Lastly, remember the following:

  • If the children are near you, watch to ensure they don’t place anything cords or lights in their mouths.
  • Don’t let your pet get to the lights either.
  • Turn them off when you go to bed or leave the house.
You spend so much time doing the decorations outside that you want to keep them around all year, right? WRONG. It’s important to take them down once the holiday season is over. They are not built for year-round use.
If you’ve never put up holiday lights before, then make this season your first year! This expert shows you exactly how to do it:
Need some help from an electrical perspective? There’s no shame in speaking to an expert, someone who knows and understands electricity! Reach out to an electrician using our directory to find someone who can ensure your home is lit properly. Hey, they might even be able to do the installation for you!

Friday 18 December 2015

Enjoy a maintained furnace all winter long

It’s that time of year again when the snow falls, temperatures plummet and furnaces break. Although we rely on our furnaces to keep our homes warm and cozy in the cold winter months, many of us don’t give our furnaces a second thought until it breaks down, that is, and we need a furnace specialist to visit. A maintained furnace is essential this winter.

We spoke with Bill Watson of Air Plus Heating and Cooling, a Toronto-based company that has been providing furnace and air conditioner installation, service and repair for over 20 years, about how to give your furnace the love and attention it needs to keep you warm and cozy all winter long.

Check filters regularly

Watson says you should replace your furnace filter three to four times a year, depending on manufacturer specifications. Checking your filter frequently will help to ensure your furnace is running at optimal capacity.
“A dirty or clogged furnace filter will restrict the amount of air your furnace will be able to use to distribute warm air throughout your home and can put undue stress and wear on the components of the furnace,” says Watson.

Schedule regular furnace cleanings and check-ups

Watson recommends getting your furnace checked once a year. A qualified technician can examine the current state of the furnace and advice you if there are any issues with your equipment.
“The whole idea is to give the homeowner peace of mind about the reliability of their furnace so they can avoid that 2 am or holiday weekend breakdown,” says Watson.
Cleaning your furnace once a year will eliminate dust and debris which will help increase the lifespan of your furnace, plus help to improve its efficiency, meaning you’ll be spending less money on your utility bills.
The best times for a cleaning are in the fall or spring and after any major renovations since renovations lead to an enormous amount of debris which gets caught in the return air ducts, restricting the optimal efficiency of the furnace.

Re-organize your basement

Avoid storing chemicals, paints and paint thinners near your furnace.
“You want as much fresh clean air around the furnace as possible,” says Watson.
Avoid blocking return air ducts with couches and furniture as blocking these ducts also restricts the amount of air provided to your furnace, reducing its efficiency.
This winter, don’t be stranded with a broken furnace. Instead, reach out to the furnace experts at Air Plus Heating and Cooling!

Friday 11 December 2015

5 steps to find the right contractor

(NC) Finding a contractor is kind of like finding a mate.
Like dating, it means you have to know what you're looking for, ask a lot of questions, seek advice from friends and family and most importantly, take your time deciding. After all, the contractor you choose is vital to the success of any remodeling project you take on.
Here is what you need to know to find the perfect contractor:
Do your research.
Make sure you've done your homework. Research your project so you have a realistic understanding of what's expected. Also compare the timeline required against existing projects your contractor may have on their plate. (Note: It is not uncommon for contractors to be working several jobs simultaneously.) This will give you an idea of how much time they can realistically devote to your project and if that works for you.
Ask for advice.
Referrals are the best way to find someone who is reliable. Like a partner, a good contractor will be around for the long haul. Talk to friends and family and get their recommendations on who they've worked with in the past.
Get specific.
Once you have a list of recommended contractors, narrow down your selection by doing some preliminary research into their credentials. For example, have they received any certifications? Do they specialize in anything? Are they affiliated with any professional associations? Do they have the proper licenses and insurance?
Ask for references.
Don't be afraid to do a background check. Good contractors will have no issue with passing along references. Ask questions such as: Did the contractor show up on time? Did the project stay on budget? Were they happy with the overall work and professionalism?
Set up a meeting.
Meet them face-to-face. Come prepared with questions about your project and see if your style and vision for the project pair well together.
More information is available at or by visiting the upcoming 2016 GTA Home + Reno Show, February 12-15 at the International Centre.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

5 tips for selling your home

(NC) For many, the holiday season is a busy time that includes shopping, cooking and entertaining. Amidst the hustle, it may seem difficult to find time for selling a home. Yet some home owners would prefer to list their home at this busy time.
“Sometimes professional, or personal, circumstances arise that require owners to sell their homes,” says Pat Verge, president of the Ontario Real Estate Association. “But other times home owners are simply ready to sell and the prospect of less competition from other sellers is appealing. Whatever an owner's reasons are for listing their home at this time, if done properly, the process should be successful.”
Here are five tips to keep in mind if listing your home in this season:
1. Deck the halls…to a minimum: Seasonal decorations are the way to go. Minimize décor to avoid crowding your home and distracting buyers.
2. Don't hide flaws: Rather than covering up flaws with décor, take the time to fix them or keep them revealed to avoid future conflicts with buyers.
3. Hire a Realtor: Enlist the services of someone that you trust and who will be available for you during the holidays. This will help alleviate some of the stress of selling and give you more time to enjoy the season.
4. Price to sell and be prepared to negotiate: No matter what time of year, a home that is properly priced will attract buyers. Work with your Realtor to negotiate a price that is satisfactory.
5. Market your home: Take time to enhance your home's curb appeal (even if it is covered in snow) and use good quality photography to show off your home (use photos taken in the spring/summer months if possible).

Sunday 29 November 2015

Is buying a home in the winter a good idea?

(NC) Consider this: It's a cold winter day and you've just sat down with a mortgage professional to figure out how much house you can afford. You've determined that your finances are in order and you're ready to start looking for a home. You've heard that spring is the best season for buying and selling real estate. Does that mean you'll need to put your search on hold until the tulips start to bloom?
“If you've worked out what you can afford and you're ready for the home buying process, then shopping for real estate can happen at any time of year,” says Pat Verge, president of the Ontario Real Estate Association. “While spring and fall are busier times for real estate sales, a serious home buyer should be looking out for potential homes as long as they're ready to make a purchase. It can sometimes take many months to find the right property.”
If you are planning to shop for real estate during the winter, these are a few things to bear in mind:
Supply: There may be fewer homes to choose from, but of the homes available for sale you may have less competition to deal with when making an offer.
Weather: The homes you visit may already be covered with snow which may hide exterior defects; ask to see photographs of the home taken earlier in the year and rely on a home inspector to tell you about any potential faults.
Make time: The process for buying a home and the paperwork that follows is time consuming. Try to keep your other priorities organized so that you are ready to act if a home that you are interested in comes up.
“If you're eager to get ahead of the busy spring market, talk to your Realtor about looking into homes that aren't yet listed but that are being prepared for sale,” says Verge.
More information is available at

Saturday 21 November 2015

Monday 9 November 2015

From the editor: What I learned about kitchen renovations

From the editor: What I learned about kitchen renovations

How to pay off your mortgage faster?

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